Saturday, February 21, 2015

Insight #89 - Overcoming Evil with Good

Overcoming Evil with Good

The human heart is desperately evil. Evil is all around us, murder, rape, slavery, corruption, war, Islamic terrorism, poverty, adultery, sex outside of marriage, stealing, lying and cheating. Evil is in nature. We have earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and disease. Death is all around us. If we listen to the news broadcasts or read the newspaper, you see nothing but evil and tragedy. The commercials are the only good news, and who pays any attention to them?

Where is God? If God is good and all-powerful, why hasn’t he stopped evil? It is man who chooses evil, not God. But God has a plan of redemption through the death of his son Jesus to cover all of our wrongdoing.

Because people are so preoccupied with evil, we overlook the tremendous amount of good that takes place every day. People are productive; they produce homes, furniture, food, cars and books - a never-ending variety of useful things. People are productive; they provide services like educating and caring for our children, health care, security, repairs and more helpful activities than you can think of. People give away hundreds of millions of dollars and services to support our schools, churches, libraries, and social service agencies. People provide for the hungry, sick, homeless, and those in poverty. So don’t underestimate the amount of good that happens around us each and every day.

For a Christian, doing good should be a normal part of life. It is expected. But everyone, including non-Christians, still has a seed of goodness in their soul; it is called “Common Grace.” It is a question of how much the seed is cultivated.

How do we overcome evil with good? We do our part by being productive and pursuing excellence in our work. We do our part by performing acts of kindness and giving of ourselves and our money to help those around us. We do our part by loving and forgiving people, even when they do evil things. We do our part by demanding justice. Tough love is frequently the best.

We live in an evil world, but things are not hopeless.  Jesus prayed “deliver us from evil”. There may be as much good in the world as there is bad, so overcome evil with good.