Saturday, July 13, 2013


When a young child is introduced to math he first learns to count 1, 2, 3. It is just rote. Then he is shown pictures of one balloon, two pencils and three bears. But when the child sees one pencil he says two because pencil means two and when the child sees one bear he thinks three. Then a miracle of the mind takes place when he grasps that the objects are representative of quantity. Then he is able comprehend and apply his understanding and 1, 2 and 3 have meaning.    

So it is with spiritual understanding. Unless we have the miracle of the mind we cannot understand spiritual things. It is the Holy Spirit within us that allows the miracle to happen.

Lura and I were discussing spiritual things with a Chinese couple and used the parable of one house built on sand and one built on rock. Having been brought up in China where they were taught that there is no God, they had no understanding of spiritual things. They thought the parable was about how to build a house.  Then we explained that it was about how to live your life. Building our life on God, the rock, prepares us for the storms of life. It was a miracle moment when the Holy Spirit gave the wife understanding. He with his engineering mind was still stuck in the building problem. Spiritually speaking he was still at one-bear-means-three.

The eternal soul is created and implanted in the body by God as early as the zygote stage and departs sometime before the body’s life processes cease. To the physician, the soul is the “will to live” and to the psychologist, it is the Id or superego. To the theologian, the soul is our spirit, the essence of our being which we aptly call the “heart” (not the physical organ). The soul is the place where God created the capacity for beauty, virtue and His presence. It has a special place for God’s Spirit, if invited, or it can be left empty to be filled with self-centeredness or even Satan.

The mind is the avenue to the soul. It is when our mind interfaces with our soul, where the Holy Spirit resides, that we can think like God thinks and have His understanding, discernment and wisdom to reach good conclusions and decisions. It is the degree of mind management capacity, rather than DNA or environmental factors, which give us the option to choose God and freely choose to love Him back. The mind is the battlefield where body needs, self-esteem, evil, and spirits versus good clash. The mind needs to be well exercised in healthy patterns of godly thinking to engage in warfare; it needs to have well practiced routines to draw on the godly. With a high state of readiness and commanding mind management skills, we win the battle. When these flow naturally, abundant living flourishes.

One of the soul’s functions in prayer is to interface with the mind. Our soul is coached by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and nurtured by the abiding presence of Christ. While our soul is safely covered by the atoning blood of Christ and is fit and ready to go to heaven, the mind has its own will and is a “free fire zone”. It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit that flows to our mind to produce the mind state that we know as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self (mind) control. It is the indwelling presence of Christ that provides the mind with indomitable determination and energy to do all things for Christ’s kingdom. It is the enablement of the Holy Spirit that gives our mind faith to believe, turn the words of scripture into meaning, helps us recognize and use our Spiritual Gift(s), and distinguish sin, evil and evil spirits before there is evidence for a conclusion. It is the soul that provides the arms cache, which fully equips us for the battles of the mind. Be ready to put on a full set of armor before entering mind combat.

Another soul function is direct soul-to-Soul prayer which transcends words and mind thinking. It is prompted by our innate need for the presence and love of God. The soul has an ineffable prayer language of its own. Since the mind is so occupied with directing all the activities of a busy body in a dynamic environment, it only prays when directed. The soul can pray without ceasing.

Head knowledge and heart knowledge are both necessary to withstand the storms of life and have an abundant life.


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