Sunday, March 9, 2014

What is a Man? (For men only)

What is a Man?
(For men only)
It takes more than a male anatomy and testosterone to make a man. A real man is:

·      A person of integrity and honesty; his words and actions are consistent.

·      A person who deeply desires to constantly improve himself physically, mentally, spiritually, and relationally.

·      A person who can overcome disappointments in life and not take on a victim mentality of “why me”, “life is unfair”, “if only.”

·      A person who respects women, earns their respect, and loves his wife unconditionally.

·      A person who wants God to direct his life and depends upon Him for guidance.

While a few men are destined to be bachelors, most should marry. Men who live with a woman without marriage are selfish and cowardly. They want the benefits of marriage without the commitment. They are cowards because they are unwilling to make the commitment of marriage for a lifetime.

Beginning back in the 1960’s feminism dominated the culture. Men responded by withdrawing or becoming “a significant other” or getting into pornography. Men need to assert their God given and natural traditional role as protectors, providers, and propagators.

While men no longer need to protect women from the barbarians at the gates or savages attacking their homestead, women still have the need for a feeling of safety and security.

Men should select a career that will provide the income adequate to support him and a family, giving to others, and for their retirement. The man’s earning should be the base income for the family. In today’s culture it is not unusual for a working wife’s income to exceed the man’s income. Both should recognize that society rewards some careers more than others.

Most marriages will produce children. Men prefer that at least one of the children be a boy. This is natural because most men want to teach and model a son into manhood although they love their daughters just as much.

 Are you a real man?

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