Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Great minds discuss ideas; Medium minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.

-- Eleanor Roosevelt

Why is this an insightful and wise statement? Because the more you think about it the more you know it is true. Truth is truth; reason is reason; wisdom is wisdom; no matter where it comes from. But God is the ultimate author of Truth and all wisdom comes from him. Proverbs 2:6 says “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding”. Proverbs 4:1-11 also gives us insight.

God has given us the formula for acquiring wisdom. It is in the Scriptures for everyone to benefit from in all life’s decisions. The formula is in three parts. It follows the pattern of successful life learning. Knowledge – facts, Understanding – how things work, and Wisdom – applying knowledge and understanding in a rational way.

First, Knowledge

Getting the facts and getting them right is the foundation. It comes from observation and experimentation. When you push the switch “up” the light goes on and when you push it “down” the light goes off. After many trials Thomas Edison discovered that a carbon filament was the right material for light bulbs.

All knowledge is pragmatic. Some people are pragmatists – what works, works – if it is not broken, don’t fix it - and they never go on to the next steps of understanding and wisdom. They are intuitive.


It comes from analysis and imagination. You are inquisitive. You have to use analysis to understand that electrons flow through wires – like water flows through pipes – and that a switch disrupts the flow of electrons. Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity through imagination. Learning is understanding.

Some people never go on to the final step of applying understanding, which is wisdom.

They are academics.


It is the application of knowledge and understanding. If all the lights in your home will not work, you need knowledge and understanding to solve the problem. You know that when the switches are in the “up” position the lights should be on. You understand that if there is a disruption in the flow of electrons the lights cannot work. Analysis using inductive reasoning leads you to the conclusion that the master-circuit-breaker may be the source of the problem.

Here is how acquiring wisdom works in the spiritual realm. The Bible is the source of knowledge. That is why inerrancy of the Scriptures is imperative. You have to start with the right facts.

Understanding the Scriptures is the enlightenment in our minds by the Holy Spirit. Without His work the Bible would be just another book and not the Word of God. Wisdom comes from a rational mind that is the work of God. We were created in God’s image to be able to apply knowledge and understanding to make wise decisions and do the right thing. It is this capacity to reason that makes us different from the rest of his creation.

I had a friend who was in therapy because of her fears and anxieties. She complained because her therapist spent too much time praying with her. She correctly knew she had a mental problem but was unable to understand that the work of the Holy Spirit in her mind was the answer to her problems. Therefore, she could not make wise decisions. She committed suicide.

The next time you switch on the lights remember to thank God that he has created you to acquire wisdom.

Robert Lawrenz  

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