Tuesday, September 30, 2014



Now I know what it feels like to have your death sentence reprieved.

As you know from my last insight I was very close to dying in June.
Then I started to improve. By mid-August I was feeling almost normal and my systems started to improve.

This week the doctor confirmed that I was in fact improving. My heart has improved to a 30 to 35% range from just over 10% (55% is optimal). My kidney function has improved to 2.1 from over 4 (under 1 is considered good).

When I asked the doctor if I could start buying Christmas presents he said “go for it”. He did caution me that I am still terminally ill and have heart and kidney failure that could worsen at any time, so enjoy life while you still can.

The things that I listed as mattering most are still my goals.

As you know I believe your prayers have been the reason why I am still here. Please keep praying for me. I am grateful.

Robert Lawrenz

1 comment:

  1. Bob--these past posts are incredible! Thank you for sharing your wisdom during this time of your life. All of us will deal with this time of life. Your articulation of how you view this time is really helpful to me. Your faith and your priorities are very inspiring to me. I continue to remember you in prayer. Jim Louwsma
