Saturday, November 22, 2014

Insight #90 - Being a Creative Person

Being a Creative Person

Do you consider yourself a creative person? If not, you are wrong.
It is a matter of how, when, and where.

Everyone is created in the image of God. God was a creative person. Therefore, we are creative people. If you doubt this, let’s take a trip to the local restaurant salad bar. You start with some iceberg lettuce, but no spinach leaves. Then you add carrots, tomato, peas, mushrooms, and some bacon bits, but no olives or hard-boiled egg. You top it off with croutons and one of six delicious salad dressings. You have created something unique and new. No one has ever made a salad exactly the same as yours.

The creative process begins by coming up with as many ideas as you can. Here quantity counts, not quality. The next step is to go back and evaluate each idea, deciding whether to delete it, or improve on it. Here, quality counts, not quantity. If you evaluate each idea as it comes to mind the process will not work. It is difficult to avoid passing judgment on ideas when they are first presented or come to mind, but it is important to separate these two steps, as they each require a different kind of thinking. Making a judgment restricts the creative process, and will leave you with fewer good ideas to work with.

Your personality type usually determines “How” or in what way you are creative. Builders and Leaders (see my article on Understanding Yourself and Understanding Others) think linearly - as a straight line. They create by extending the line through logic. Most of their ideas are modifications or an extension of an existing idea. Thomas Edison was a linear thinker. He created the light bulb by trying 1,600 different materials to make a light bulb that would pass his test.

Artisans and Actors think more like people playing a game of “Pickup Sticks.” They pick up a stick, and then another stick, which they place in a relationship to the first stick. These types of people are more likely to come up with something completely novel. They think outside the box because there is no box. Albert Einstein used this method. He started by picking up the first stick, which was energy. Then he added the second stick, mass, and followed with the third stick, light. By putting this combination together he came up with his famous formula: energy equals mass times the speed of light squared (E=mc2). By creating this new understanding of how the universe works he changed the world.

There are essentially three kinds of creativity: intentional, contemplative, and instantaneous. All of us can use all three kinds. Thomas Edison was very intentional about his creativity, carefully recording the results of each test. Albert Einstein was contemplative – reportedly thinking for long hours in front of his fireplace, watching the flames. Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly, on the other hand, said he got the idea for his book “Killing Jesus” when he suddenly woke up in the middle of the night with a flash of insight. NFL quarterbacks are also known to be instantaneous creators. When the ball is given to them by the Center, they fall back waiting for the play to develop. If the play does not develop as planned, the quarterback has to come up with a new plan within seconds. This capability separates a great quarterback from a good quarterback.

So, if you are at home planning and preparing a meal, or at work solving some problem, you can be creative. When you wake up tomorrow morning, try something new- use your imagination. Creativity is a fun experience. Try it.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

INSIGHT #91 - The King

The King

Once upon a time there was a King who ruled over a vast domain. He was a good King, ruling with justice and mercy.  Most of all, he deeply loved each one of his subjects…

What does it mean to love someone? Love is a quest for a soul mate. Love is two becoming one. Love is the intimacy of complete trust. When a married man and woman undress and give themselves to one another, there is no greater intimacy of trust. Sex outside marriage is counterfeit love, and is merely erotic gratification. Do you remember the 1985 movie “Out of Africa”? In one scene, the stars of the film, Robert Redford and Meryl Streep, talk about marriage. He says, “I want to be free to do the things I want to do and to take the risks I want to take”. She replies, “Everything good has a price to pay”. Love has its price, just ask the King.

…But some of the subjects rejected the King, breaking his laws, ignoring him, and even saying he did not exist. Some of them did not understand him. But the King loved them anyway, not punishing them. He even planted flowers along the roadway of life so they could enjoy the beautiful things he had provided. He gave them the sun, the moon, and the stars so they could see the vastness of his domain. He invited them into his home for dinner. The King served bread and red wine to remind his subjects how much he loved them.

Those who accepted him as King, he invited into his court of joy, and adopted them as sons so they could share in his inheritance. They all sang “King of kings, Lord of lords, may you reign for ever.” And they all lived happily thereafter.

Have you accepted the King’s love?

Saturday, October 18, 2014


In 2002 we moved to Eden Prairie, Minnesota from Rockford, Illinois. At that time in my life, I was looking for new challenges. I began writing as a new career. Writing requires two things: having something to say and being able to say it clearly. I had lots of things I want to say, but my writing skills were marginal, so I had to reinvent myself. Over the years I have improved my writing skills.

For about the first five years I was content to write Insights into life. At the urging of my son who thought I had had a very eventful life, I began writing my first book, an autobiography called “I Remember”.

About the same time I began writing for Wooddale Church and authored about 50 articles, which I later published in my third book “Good News of Great Joy”.

After my first book I wrote a second book on “How to Build a Meaningful Career”. This book responds to the many people I have encounted at the crossroads of life that were unable to sort things out and establish a new direction.

My fourth book, “Timely Wisdom” is a selection of 50 of the more than 100 Insights I have written. Insight means seeing clearly into the fundamental nature of reality. True wisdom is not just thinking smart. There are many smart people who come up with the wrong conclusions. True wisdom comes from having both knowledge and understanding, and being able to apply it. It requires prospective and a good moral compass.

Over the and years a number of people have told me I have the gift of wisdom. I will let you be the judge.

Timely Wisdom: 50 Valuable Insights into Life is available at or the Wooddale Bookstore.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014



Now I know what it feels like to have your death sentence reprieved.

As you know from my last insight I was very close to dying in June.
Then I started to improve. By mid-August I was feeling almost normal and my systems started to improve.

This week the doctor confirmed that I was in fact improving. My heart has improved to a 30 to 35% range from just over 10% (55% is optimal). My kidney function has improved to 2.1 from over 4 (under 1 is considered good).

When I asked the doctor if I could start buying Christmas presents he said “go for it”. He did caution me that I am still terminally ill and have heart and kidney failure that could worsen at any time, so enjoy life while you still can.

The things that I listed as mattering most are still my goals.

As you know I believe your prayers have been the reason why I am still here. Please keep praying for me. I am grateful.

Robert Lawrenz

Saturday, September 6, 2014



How do you mentally handle it when the doctor tells you have an untreatable condition and asks you if you want to die at home or in the hospital? "At home" I told him, and also that I had two goals. The first was to live until my 82nd birthday, which was July 12, 2014 - six months away. The second was to publish my fourth book “Timely Wisdom”. Neither seemed realistic at the time.

In April my life would soon be over was confirmed by the family doctor who told me there is nothing more he could do for me and he was turning me over to a heart specialist. In May the heart specialist told me there was nothing more he could do for me and I should be prepared to die. He turned me over to hospice to care for me and keep me comfortable until I would die.

The book of the Ecclesiastes 3:2 says “there is a time to be born and a time to die”. Being born is reality but death is an illusion. But when we are told that our days are limited and that death is inevitable, death becomes a reality. The Bible says a lot about heaven.
It will be a place without pain and where we can live in the house of the Lord forever. Coming to the realization of our own mortality is an essential step in finding peace that only God can give and allows us to live and be thankful for every day.

Death is one thing, but dying is something else. We do not know what kind of death we will have; will it be easy- just falling unconscious and never waking up, or will it be long and painful? It is knowing that when I walk in the shadow of death I will fear no evil for God is with me. It is knowing that God will never forsake us and that he will always be there to comfort us, even if our death is painful. This means we do not need to be afraid to die.

How do we care for those we leave behind? We do it by feeling free to talk about our death and preparing them for our departure. I have written a legacy that gives instructions for my funeral and how things should be handled when I depart. I have prepared an envelope with all the important documents enclosed. I have turned over the management of the family investments to our son, and our finances to our daughter. I have placed all deposits and bills on automatic payments, to make management easier.

It is now early September and I have accomplished my goals. I feel better than I have for over a year. I have more energy and my build up of fluids in my abdomen has decreased about 25%. When I ask the nurse why I am feeling so well she says “I don’t know but enjoy it while it lasts”. I know what it is that has allowed me these extra days of life. It is prayer because over 100 people have been praying for me. I am very grateful. I have set two new goals. The first is to live until our 56th wedding anniversary which is September 13. The second is to publish our family tree into book form.

 What are the things that mean the most to me? Spending time with my wife, my family, and my friends, reading, praying, writing, eating, attending church, an afternoon nap, learning new things from video courses, and watching TV (I love movies). These are the things that mean the most to me.

Robert Lawrenz

Sunday, March 30, 2014


“One of the greatest satisfactions one can ever have comes from the knowledge that he can do some one thing superlatively well”
Hortense Odlum, businesswoman

We have a capitalist system in our country that depends on Individualism and Exceptionalism. Individualism is being a strong and productive person. Exceptionalism is being above average and having some level of success.  These two words can have negative connotations – self-centered, selfish, uncaring, and elitist.

We in America have adopted an enlightened form of individualism and exceptionalism. Individualism is a strong and capable person who has enough margins in their life to care for others. Only the strong can help the weak, can pass on their knowledge, can share their successful life experiences with those who have lost their way, and have the money to give to charity. Every day millions of hours are given to charities and caring for others and every day millions of dollars are also given to charities. We are a generous people.

Ben Carson was a black child who grew up in the Detroit ghetto but he also
had a mother that taught him to work hard and set high goals. As an adult he became a world famous neuro-surgeon who with his gifted hands made thousands of patients’ lives better. My father, who was an engineer, discovered at age 50 that he had artistic talent. He created about 100 paintings. Some he sold, many he gave away and the remainder were kept in the family to enjoy and treasure. His beautiful paintings enriched the lives of many.

Our capitalist culture allows us the freedom to choose whatever career path best suits us. This freedom generates the optimum economic productivity that gives us the highest standard of living the world has ever known. Americans have a unique quality “to make things happened” and “to get thing done right”.

We should be grateful that we live in a country that has a capitalist system that fosters Individualism and Exceptionalism. We need to choose our career path carefully, strive for excellence, have some fun, and give generously to help others. This is what has made America the envy of the world.

Sunday, March 9, 2014



It is the war of 1812 and the British once again have an army on American soil. They have invaded Washington DC, placed their flag at our Capitol building, and then burned the capital building to the ground as well as the White House and the treasury building. They have moved on to Baltimore and Fort McHenry. There is a fierce battle at Fort McHenry. Francis Scott Key, on a diplomatic mission, views the battle from a British ship in the harbor. The battle rages into the night but in the morning twilight he can still see the American flag flying over Fort McHenry. From this he knows that America is winning the war. That is when he wrote his famous poem – the words of our national anthem.

        O say can you see by the dawn's early light,
       What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
       Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
       O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
       And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
       Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
       O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
       O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

       O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
       Between their loved home and the war's desolation.
       Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land
       Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
      Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
      And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
      And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
      O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Every time we sing the national anthem we should ask “Is our flag still there?” Is the liberty that brave men suffered, bled, and died for still here? Unfortunately, the flag is down to half mast and being lowered every day.

Today all commerce, business and organization is controlled by Federal regulation. The Federal Register has 175,000 pages of regulations and there are 1,900,000 bureaucrats to enforce them. We have dropped to 12th place in economic freedom.

 The founding fathers knew of this potential problem and in the10th Amendment provided for this: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Over time we have elected Senators whose primary loyalty is to their political party rather than to the people of the state they represent. We are no longer the home of the brave. We have taken the easy bread of government handouts – welfare, food stamps, housing, etc. and lost our sense of self-reliance.

Can we again raise the flag to full mast and remake our country the land of the free and the home of the brave?  Yes, we the people can!

What is a Man? (For men only)

What is a Man?
(For men only)
It takes more than a male anatomy and testosterone to make a man. A real man is:

·      A person of integrity and honesty; his words and actions are consistent.

·      A person who deeply desires to constantly improve himself physically, mentally, spiritually, and relationally.

·      A person who can overcome disappointments in life and not take on a victim mentality of “why me”, “life is unfair”, “if only.”

·      A person who respects women, earns their respect, and loves his wife unconditionally.

·      A person who wants God to direct his life and depends upon Him for guidance.

While a few men are destined to be bachelors, most should marry. Men who live with a woman without marriage are selfish and cowardly. They want the benefits of marriage without the commitment. They are cowards because they are unwilling to make the commitment of marriage for a lifetime.

Beginning back in the 1960’s feminism dominated the culture. Men responded by withdrawing or becoming “a significant other” or getting into pornography. Men need to assert their God given and natural traditional role as protectors, providers, and propagators.

While men no longer need to protect women from the barbarians at the gates or savages attacking their homestead, women still have the need for a feeling of safety and security.

Men should select a career that will provide the income adequate to support him and a family, giving to others, and for their retirement. The man’s earning should be the base income for the family. In today’s culture it is not unusual for a working wife’s income to exceed the man’s income. Both should recognize that society rewards some careers more than others.

Most marriages will produce children. Men prefer that at least one of the children be a boy. This is natural because most men want to teach and model a son into manhood although they love their daughters just as much.

 Are you a real man?

Why the Mighty Fall

Why the Mighty Fall

Adolf Hitler was one of the great and charismatic leaders of the 20th century. Unfortunately he was an evil man.

He was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria. From 1933 to 1945 he was elected Chancellor of Germany and took over as a dictator in Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945.

Hitler was a charismatic visionary who convinced the people they were a superior race and destined to rule the world. He became their god. His anti-Semitic policies and racially motivated ideology resulted in the death of at least 5.5 million Jews, and millions of other people whom he and his followers deemed geneneticaly inferior. Without God the people lost their moral compass, their morality

He invaded Poland in September 1939 resulting in the of birth of World War II. In Europe under Hitler’s rule in 1941 German forces and their European allies occupied most of Europe and North Africa.

Hitler took personal command of all military forces despite his lack of experience. He made the strategic error of trying to fight the war on three fronts; Russia on the eastern front, the Allied forces on the southern and western fronts. In 1943, Germany was forced onto the defensive and suffered a series of escalating defeats. It is generally believed on April 30, 1945 Hitler committed suicide and his cremated corpse was buried in unmarked grave. Germany was a pile of rubble.

Hitler did not lose the war for lack of military acumen but because his ideology was based on a faulty premise. While Hitler thought he was invincible, God was in control “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, as people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown and, no sooner do they take root in the ground, then he blows on them and they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff.” The war simply proved that people cannot worship any god and ignore the true God. As a nation they needed God’s moral compass to flourish.

After losing the war the German people looked for a new god. They found him in materialism. With a strong work ethic they rebuilt their country using the government to establish mortality though laws rather than using a moral compass directed by God. Today under materialism, Germany has the strongest economy in Europe. The German people have learned to love their job security, job benefits, and time off from work. So how long will it be before their culture collapses?

The German nation will not fail because of the economy. It will fall because as a godless country it will not obey the Lord’s command “Be fruitful and increase in number” Genesis 1:28. The birth rate in Germany today is 1.4 children per female. It takes at least a rate of 2.2 to maintain the population. At the present rate demographics will change and there will be comparatively few younger people to support a large aging population. The nation will crumble.

Today Europe is comfortable with its materialism and is one of the most gospel hardened areas of the world. They are comfortable without the God of their history. We know from biblical history that nations will come and nations will go but the Word of God is eternal.

Pray for Europe and for the missionaries who serve there.