press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called (you) me
heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of
things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make
clear to you. Only live up to what we have already attained. Philippians 3:14-16
As a Wooddale Small Group
leader of a small group you have a unique opportunity and accountability to influence
others on their path to find God and to grow to maturity in Christ.
A prerequisite for being a
leader is to be called to the task. What is a call? It is belief that God is at
work in your life and that you are the person at the right time and in the
right place to be used of God for a special task. Your motivation is to serve
God. The call may come though your mind and then to your heart or it may come
from your heart to your mind. You may be the type of person who has a vision of
God’s providence or the type that sees people’s needs and you feel compassion.
The call may come by following a scriptural mandate, God working through your
thoughts, or a voice in your head that tells you the ministry is for you.
Why is it important to
involve both your mind and your heart? Your mind is important because it will
tell you how to serve and when to serve. It will give you the wisdom and
determination to press on when you are discouraged because people will not
follow your leadership or have a low level of commitment. Your heart is
important because you need to be genuine in your caring and loving. A heart felt concern for people will give you
faith when things are out of control in a person’s life and all you can do is
pray with them.
You may be approaching this
assignment with confidence because you have done it before or it may be a
venture in faith because it is a new experience, but either way you need to be
praying for God’s special blessing on your small group. There is no higher
calling than making a difference in people’s lives. (John 15:12-13)
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