Friday, November 23, 2012


Rugged individualism is an America virtue. It is based on our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and expressed as “All men are created equal”. Sometimes it is going it alone – lone ranger mentality – but most of the time it involves leading others. Rugged individuals are usually strong willed and highly driven personalities. They lead by example of hard work and expect the same thing from everyone else. They are results people. They are the entrepreneurs of today.


Let’s look at the life of the Apostle Peter to see a rugged individual in action.


He was a fisherman who enjoyed the hard work of rowing his boat with a whittled oak oar and lifting a heavy net filled with fish. He was an entrepreneur owning his own business and negotiating the sale of his catch to the highest bitter at the end of each day. Then he met Jesus who called him to an even harder task. Being a disciple of Jesus required him to be away from home, to constantly travel and to sleeping in a different place almost every night. Being a tough guy he could handle the situation because he learned to love Jesus who was a great teacher, healer and a devoted friend.  


After three years with Jesus when His ministry on earth was to end, the twelve disciples and Jesus gathered in an upper room to celebrate Passover. During a discussion Jesus prepared Peter for a teachable moment by telling him he would disown him three times. This was very troubling for Peter because of his great love and devotion for Him. His devotion was so strong he cut off the ear of a Roman guard who tried to take Christ prisoner. He was a tough guy and not even a Roman soldier was too much for him to handle.


A short time later when Jesus was being interrogated by the authorities, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. It was a regrettable event but Peter the strong, capable, well intended and rugged individual found that it was not enough without the power of God. It was a teachable moment that would change the rest of his life.


Peter would witness the crucifixion of Jesus, see the empty tomb, be there when Jesus appeared in bodily form after he had died, see the ascension of Jesus into heaven, and experience the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It was Peter who explained to the crowd that it was the power of God which enabled him to heal the physical needs of people. How quickly he was fully equipped for ministry. He went on to heal people, be imprisoned, and convert 5,000 people at one time. He went on to become the head of the church and is honored and respected to this day. He had a life of meaning and significance. He had the power of God because being a rugged individual was not enough.


Even if you are not a rugged individual, have you had a defining moment when you submitted your life to God’s power? Have you personally come to the point where being a strong person is not enough and you need to depend on God’s power in your life? If not, why not now?

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