Saturday, November 24, 2012


CORE VALUES are those shared principles which surpass all others in importance, meaning, and significance for a particular person, family, organization, or group. They define us and tightly bond us. They are the “Ten Commandments” of the Bible, “silence” in the mafia, “good deeds” of the Boy Scouts, and “fidelity” in marriage. Wooddale’s Small Groups @ Home has a set of core values as well. They guide our thinking about why we have small groups, and what we want to accomplish as we meet together.

Every once in a while it’s good to re-visit the core values which undergird all that we do as small group leaders at Wooddale Church. The Small Group Ministry Team did just that in a recent meeting, and as a result has re-worded them slightly and condensed them into three which we believe are essential to the accomplishment of the mission of Wooddale Church through small groups.

Caring Community:  This value involves the building of life-giving relationships in the context of community, with an emphasis on the loving nurture and support of one another in the daily challenges of life.

Spiritual Transformation:  Wooddale Small Groups are in the business of fostering spiritual growth and discipleship in such a way that people’s lives are transformed into the likeness of Jesus. This happens primarily through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship, and is dependent on the Holy Spirit’s activity in changing hearts.

Compassionate Outreach:  In today’s culture, “outreach” has many different meanings, and this core value encompasses two in particular, each carried out with a servant heart of kindness and compassion:

  • reaching out to others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, sharing the Good News that Jesus came to provide a way to have a relationship with God forever, and
  • reaching out to our world in practical acts of service in the name of Jesus.

Each small group at Wooddale has a unique character and focus, with varying emphasis on these core values. However, if all of us as leaders keep these in mind and seek to live them out in our small groups, we will discover that we are truly honoring God by making more disciples for Jesus Christ, and participating in an activity which has eternal significance!

Love In[Deed]:We encourage you to consider participating in this month’s Love In[Deed] that will take place on both of the Wooddale campuses on May 19th. Check out the following link for more information and registration...

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